Saturday, May 14, 2011

My Gmail

Hi again,
        I learned a lot about my gmail that I didn't know. I knew Google has a lot of cool stuff one can do, but I never took the time to use any of them. All I ever do is check my e-mail and send e-mail and send documents and photos from my e-mail. I sort of put files to sort my messages, but I really didn't filter the messages. Now I have fun filtering all my e-mails, and I made it all pretty. I didn't know I could change the back ground or theme of how it all looks. Colorizing is cool!!!
       I also didn't know about the to do list. I may really start using that to keep my life a little more organized.
So the following is an example of what cool stuff I can do so far. I encourage more people to get to know all the cool feachers of Gmail and Google.
Have fun!!    Sherry

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