Friday, May 20, 2011

Google Docs Word Processor

Hi everyone,
I did my first word documents on for my cloud computing class. I got started a bit late so I didn't collaborate with anyone yet, maybe I should have. I put photos in them, but when the pages were e-mailed to me they were not where I put them when I created the document. I will have to figure out why. Otherwise I don't think it was too bad. I just don't think I am catching on as quickly as others might because of some of my distractions at home.
This is the beginning of the first page of my attempts at Word Processing and getting the photo's in the right place. On this page it is wright. When it is e-mailed the photo's are not in the wright place.
Also, other things bug me when I go to documents; sometimes when I want to view a document it gives me a weird screen this a partial window of the word processing window. I can only see about 1 inch of the document at one time. I go back and try to open it a different was in hopes that I can get the whole thing. and I do, but for the life of me I could not explain what I do to get it. I just try something and it works, I just can't remember what worked when I do it again so I just have to trial and error over and over again.

I do hope I can get the hang of this stuff. It is cool stuff and can be useful, If you can get the hang of it.

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