Hi everyone,
I have had a rough coupple of weeks.
I had to put my cloud computing on hold, and that made me forget what little I did know.
Now I have to catch up two weeks worth of work and a test.
I think the word processing is about the same as on my MS program on my computer, jest a few less feachers or I just may not be able to find them yet.
Putting in a Table in the document was verry diffrent than in triditional settings. I would make a table in spreedsheets and then copy and past it over to my word processing page. with Cloud computing there is a tab to put a table in just where you want it and you don't have to generate it from some where else. that is kinda cool, but I did have to take some time to figure it out because for some reason when I went to spreedsheets and made the table, it would not copy to my word doc.
I was frustrated a bit.
maybe I will get the hang of it soon.
Have a nice day
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