Monday, July 18, 2011

Making a website with Google!!

Can you believe it?
I built a website with Google!! It wasn't that hard ether. Google makes everything so simple for you. They are very user friendly!! I like the way I can connect all of the forms, and spreadsheets and presentations that I created earlier and put them in my website!! I know my instructor planned it all out like that, because she knew we were going to put it all together, but It still is so cool!! The Website just put all the "Cloud computing" parts in prospective. Everything can go together as well as making it all so simple.
My website is a fictitious school of the arts. In some ways I wish it wasn't fictitious because it sounds so very cool. The name of it is Georgetown School of the Arts. The website I created for it is:
check it out and see how several of my earlier blogs photo's were put into it!
I have really enjoyed this class and I plan to use these new found skill to set up a Family Reunion site or something. Besides for my personal use I feel all these skills should come in handy when I am able to achieve employment at some time in the future.
Have a great Summer!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Sumo Paint: Photo Enhancemant

Hi everyone!!
I LOVE SUMO PAINT PHOTO ENHANCEMENT!!! I had a really great time with working with sumo. I love all the options on how to make it look the way you want, and to be able to layer images to when you are working on one level you don't mess up the others if you make a mistake. On one image when I was putting color to it by erasing it, I thought I did a great job with the eraser, until I put a spot light effect on it. It showed all my flaws!! luckily I could touch it up a little still. The fetcher that I really learned to love was the Clone Stamp!! and the eye dropper so I could paint the color I want to. Those two really made a big difference when it comes to covering up what you don't want in the photos!! One image I did actually looked better in the negative, and then I enhanced it with other stuff. Most of the photos turned out really good. I can't wait until I work on my own photos!! I tried the PhotoFunia, I think you will find it cute. The wanted poster!! while on vacation we paid about $45 for my kids to be put on a wanted poster, and here I did it all for free!! And I didn't have to change into some old time clothes!!! Once again I really enjoyed this weeks assignments! enjoy the photos.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Sumo Paint Basics

Hi again,
I tried Sump Paint this week. I took me a bit to get the hang of it. I had some trouble trying to fix what I didn't like. Sometimes I would use "edit" and "undo" and it would work, other times it wouldn't. Then I would hit "clear" and that got me to ground zero. Working with different layers can be tricky, but I think it will be helpful when blending different photos together. I am glad to be having trouble with images that are not a major project for me. It helps me learn what to do with less stress.
The Different ways to manipulate the images is really cool. I don't think I can do all that with other programs I have worked with. So All in all I do like Sumo, I just have to keep practicing to get good at it.
Here are some images I created. Let me know how you liked them!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Google Docs Slideshow Presentations

Hi everyone,
I like collaborating with the sideshow presentations. It was nice not to have to look for all the photo's and setting up all the words myself. splitting up the work was a time saver. It was also nice to have someone to bounce off ideas off of. Some of the dislikes is not knowing what actually is the "Normal" font. there is not a lot of selection. and the toolbar is quite different from the toolbar I am used to on my hard drive computer.
I liked using the "incremental reveal" to show gradually what information is on each slide. that was cool, but sometimes time consuming trying to decide what order to put everything in.
It is fun to try.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Creating Forms, ex. school registration forms

Creating a School Registration Form was so cool!!! No complicated process to figure out, and it took only minutes!! I saw the movie Accepted and in the movie on kid created a website of a fictious school and had on it "registration is only a click away." Now I know how it can be done and so quickley!! Wahoo!
But ofcourse, I am not going to create a fictious school, But there are so many other uses I can creat forms for. I can do something with my Yearly Family Reunion!! Find out how many People are comming, and from where! How many kids will be there and what kind of games they would like to play, or have available.
So many possibilitys!!
I really wasn't sure if I would be able to use most of the skills I am learning in this Cloud computing class, but now, I see that I don't have to have a Job (though it would be nice) to uses these skills frequently.
Have a Great Day!
Hay mom, Look what I can Do!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Spreasdheet Blog Posting

Second time's a charm!!
I did my second Spreadsheet assignment, and I had even more fun. Between the both of them though I learned that I can "Sort" the Data info on each line!!  I can change the line up on which line if first depending on what heading I want to promote or draw attention to. The only other thing That I have sorted was the "works Cite" pages of my research papers. Oh, maybe some other things when I learned about Access, But I don't recall sorting spreadsheets.  The first instructions were clear, but for some reason I just was going through the motions of the instructions, then when I had to do it again on the second spreadsheet the instructions were less, it helped me comprehend what I was doing, or I suppose, to do what I was meant to do in the first spreadsheet. I had to go back and correct the first one.And Then It All Clicked!! speaking of corrections, when I did have mistakes and the numbers didn't come out the way they should have, It was so easy to click "Show Formula" and find where I went wrong, then it took only a minute to fix it. and then everything around it adjusted to it.
I do love Spreadsheets!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Spreasdheet Apps with Google

I just completed my Spreadsheet assignments with Google for my Cloud Computing class. I still love Spreadsheets!!! It may be different when copying data to make a chart, but I think it is a cool formula to get around the differences from making charts on the regular spreadsheets and google spreadsheets.
Even though there are differences I had fun. I like it and I do not have any habits formed yet so I did not find things any more difficult to work with than other ways.
It just tickles me every time I plug in a formula and pull down or to the right and it all gets filled in with the right numbers and I don't even have to touch a calculator!!! Wahoo!!
I absolutely love Spreadsheets.!!!
Have a Great Day!!
Look at that!!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Cloud Computing Test 1 The world of Google


The World of Google




 World Domination One Google Apps At A Time...





Contact: Sherry Wheaton
South Florida Community College,Avon Park, Florida
Phone: 863-386-6661, Fax: 863-386-6662


Google! was created by Larry Page and Sergey Brin while they were PHD students at Stanford University, it was a research project to create a better way to search information on the web. The domain was not really registered until September 15 1997 and the business of  Google, Inc. was not incorporated until September 4, 1998.






Google Apps:


Google Apps is a service from Google providing independently customizable versions of several Google products under a custom domain name. It has several Web applications with similar functionality to traditional office suites, including: Gmail, Google Groups, Google Calendar, Talk, Docs and Sites

Google Apps is free, it offers the same amount of storage as a standard Gmail accounts.[1] Google Apps for Business, can offer additional e-mail storage, but it has an annual fee per user account. Google Apps for Education, which is free, puts together features from the Standard and Premier editions.


Google Apps:

Here, is an outline of several apps that you can focus on to achieve success with Google. For example:

  • Gmail
  • ¡Google 
  • Calendar
  • Blogger
  • Picasa
  • Chrome
  • Buzz


Free Gmail Accounts

Gmail is Google's e-mail program (letters on the Internet). Gmail puts e-mails in groups of "conversations," with each letter it has its replies. There are no popup ads while in the gmail, but there are ads on the sides that are relevant to the content of the letters that are in the in box, and links to related web sites of interest. The search-based webmail service uses the Google search engine to find any message that an account owner has sent or received.

  • Inbox of new Gmail letters.
  • Sent letters 
  • Address book
  • Capability to have Files for each type of Gmail
  • Tasks Reminder list
  • Instant Chats with anyone in the address book that is on line at the time.
  • Drafts
  • Search mail capabilities
  • Highlights messages



A personal portal from Google. Developed in 2005 first known as the Google "Personalized Home Page," the name was changed to iGoogle in 2007. iGoogle supports gadgets (mini applications) that provide customized news, calendar, games, quotes and numerous other functions. See personal portal.


  • Customized Calendar 
  • Customized Weather News
  • Customize Games
  • Customize Files in Documents
  • Customize total overall look


The calendar is customized to what is important for you. You also have control of what it looks like. It is also linked to the Gmail and gives reminder messages when events are coming up that are important.
  • can show daily schedule
  • can show weekly schedule
  • can show monthly schedule
  • All details for events are available


 A widely used blog service from Google that lets anyone write and publish a blog. Developed in 1999 by Pyra Labs, San Francisco, CA, Blogger was bought by Google in 2003. In 2005, Blogger Mobile was announced, allowing users to post photos and text messages by using there mobile phones. Audio blogging is another feature. After signing up, users can call a number and speak, and the sound file goes to their blog. For more information, visit See blog service and blog.

Read more:
Here are some features that help you to personalize each blog:


  • Personal info on the blogging page.
  • customize a layout and change it at your leisure. 
  • Can share and publish each one or keep them private. 


Picasa is free photo editing software introduced by Google that makes your pictures look better than ever before. Sharing your favorite photos with friends and family is just as easy as pressing a button!


A photo editor and organizer is provided by Google which is available for a free to download. It has special features that gives the abilities to use the same image in several albums without duplicating the file. Photos can be flagged as "Gold Star" favorites, that can be searched for individually. Groups of photos can be selected as private by applying passwords. Google bought the digital photo management company Picasa, Inc., in 2004. See Google. See also Picasa.

Read more:
To work with Picasa:  


A Web browser featured by Google was introduced for the use of Windows in 2008 and then for Mac and Linux in 2009. Outlined as an open source from the Chromium browser, Chrome offers inventive features such as combining the domain name address bar and search box into one input field. There is also a display for the "most visited pages" when a new tab is opened, and a tab can be changed to a new window by dragging it off the tab bar. The memory usage for each tab can be looked at, and undesired tabs can be closed with Chrome's equivalent to a task manager function.

Read more:
 For free download of Chrome Frames go to: 
Google Buzz is a social networking and messaging tool from Google that is connected to, or a part of the company's web-based email program, Gmail.[1][2] Users can share links, photos, videos, messages posted and comments made are organized in "conversations" and are shown in the user's inbox.[3]

Buzz allows users to choose to share publicly the chosen images or video with the world or privately to a group of friends any time they post a image or message.[4] Picasa, Flickr, Google Latitude, Google Reader, Google Sidewiki, YouTube, Blogger, FriendFeed, and Twitter are currently working together with this Apps. The creation of Buzz is seen as an attempt by Google to create social networking websites like Facebook and smaller messaging services like Twitter.[1] Buzz also includes several interface and interaction elements from other Google products (e.g. Google Reader) such as the ability to "like" a post.

Google executive Sergey Brin said that by offering social communications, Buzz would help bridge the gap between work and leisure,[5] but the Application was strongly criticized at the time it was introduced for not taking adequate measures to address privacy concerns.[6]



Google Advanced Search Tools:



The World of Google  The Beautiful aspect of Google Apps is the fact that you can share and collaborate on projects with someone else all while on the computer and never have to physically relocate and find the other person that is working on the project as well. Two or more people can work on the same project at the same time and still be in different locations. All that has to be done is the person who starts the project invites each person to work on the project and everyone can start working on it together.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Google Docs Drawing

Hi everyone,
I just tried out google docs drawing. I am not sure I like it or not. The assignment was fairly simple to do. I would like the whole page to work with besides just a small Box. The designs would go any ware I put them in or outside the box, but I felt that for the assignment I should stay within the box. Forget the saying "Think outside the Box." I did have problems sharing the Drawing assignment, so I just published it. Any changes I made after the publish were updated on the document. But I think that because I published it I no longer had the option to share it and get assistance from collaboration if I wanted to.  I hate it when I think a program should work one way and it doesn't and I take so much time to figuring out why.

I just try to do the best I can with what I can do at the moment, and hope to be able to fix it latter and turn that in for at least some observation.

I will need more experience with drawings, and practical uses for it in the future.
P.S. Below is a photo of my drawing I hope it is O.K.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Google Docs Word Processing

Hi everyone,
I have had a rough coupple of weeks.
I had to put my cloud computing on hold, and that made me forget what little I did know.
Now I have to catch up two weeks worth of work and a test.
I think the word processing is about the same as on my MS program on my computer, jest a few less feachers or I just may not be able to find them yet.
Putting in a Table in the document was verry diffrent than in triditional settings. I would make a table in spreedsheets and then copy and past it over to my word processing page.  with Cloud computing there is a tab to put a table in just where you want it and you don't have to generate it from some where else. that is kinda cool, but I did have to take some time to figure it out because for some reason when I went to spreedsheets and made the table, it would not copy to my word doc.
I was frustrated a bit.
maybe I will get the hang of it soon.
Have a nice day

Friday, May 20, 2011

Google Docs Word Processor

Hi everyone,
I did my first word documents on for my cloud computing class. I got started a bit late so I didn't collaborate with anyone yet, maybe I should have. I put photos in them, but when the pages were e-mailed to me they were not where I put them when I created the document. I will have to figure out why. Otherwise I don't think it was too bad. I just don't think I am catching on as quickly as others might because of some of my distractions at home.
This is the beginning of the first page of my attempts at Word Processing and getting the photo's in the right place. On this page it is wright. When it is e-mailed the photo's are not in the wright place.
Also, other things bug me when I go to documents; sometimes when I want to view a document it gives me a weird screen this a partial window of the word processing window. I can only see about 1 inch of the document at one time. I go back and try to open it a different was in hopes that I can get the whole thing. and I do, but for the life of me I could not explain what I do to get it. I just try something and it works, I just can't remember what worked when I do it again so I just have to trial and error over and over again.

I do hope I can get the hang of this stuff. It is cool stuff and can be useful, If you can get the hang of it.

Google Calendars and Cloud computing

Google Calendars and Cloud computing

I am taking a Cloud computing class and so far it is really exciting. I have learned that my Gmail account has so much to offer, in keeping my e-mails organized and Actual Life organized as well. I never took the time before the class to find out what "google" is all about. I thought that it was a good surch engin, and I loved using the "Gmail," but all the other features is offers I thought  I wasn't interested in or didn't have the time.
I was just happy to get e-mails from my daughter and sister with photos in them without problems.

Now I discover that not only is there iGoogle (which is a home page) the Calendar is really cool.
I have made a Calendar of sorts for my own events from time to time in Word, but never kept up with them.
I love my calendar on google becausse I has an option to stop appointments automaticly once a program has ended.  I also like the smiley faces I can put on the dates, and the fact that when I click on the date I will get the contact numbers and cost information, or any other info about the appointment that I need, and it won't be on a postit note where it could get lost.

I don't know if you can see it, but I had fun putting in all the info on all the dates needed, and being able to switch it from day, to week, to Month. I would like to experiment with the size the pictures are when I post them. I think they are too small to see any detail.
Have a woulderful day and I'll blog again soon

Saturday, May 14, 2011

My iGoogle

Hay everybody iGoogle is really Cool!!!
      It is like a msm homepage, but I control the layout and what is on it. I love it. My husband always gets the news on msn home page since we do not have cable and not satellite.  I would never spend a lot of time on the home page. I would go to other things that interested me, and now I can have iGoogle and put on it what I am interested in. I can put up my e-mail, and weather here my son is out of state. I really like it. Check it out. I wish I could make the photo larger so you can see my iGoogle in more detail.

Check it out.

My Gmail

Hi again,
        I learned a lot about my gmail that I didn't know. I knew Google has a lot of cool stuff one can do, but I never took the time to use any of them. All I ever do is check my e-mail and send e-mail and send documents and photos from my e-mail. I sort of put files to sort my messages, but I really didn't filter the messages. Now I have fun filtering all my e-mails, and I made it all pretty. I didn't know I could change the back ground or theme of how it all looks. Colorizing is cool!!!
       I also didn't know about the to do list. I may really start using that to keep my life a little more organized.
So the following is an example of what cool stuff I can do so far. I encourage more people to get to know all the cool feachers of Gmail and Google.
Have fun!!    Sherry

Cloud Computing Introduction

Hi everyone,
       I am taking a cloud computing class because now that my 4 kids are grown up enough and can take care of themselves (my younger being nearly 17), I am going back to school the finally get an AA degree and be better trained for the workforce, because I lost my job two years ago (8 years experience in retail) and was not able to find another job. My husband said that we couldn't afford me to go to school, and I said we can't afford not to sent me to school. I won!!
      So, to make a long story short (ya I know, too late), I had to take Micro-Computer class, I thought I knew enough about computers, especially since goal is health major related. I loved it!!! I found out about Ecel!! Awsome program!!! Access is cool to! It was really fun taking the class, and I couldn't get enough.
       I asked my professor about the Cloud Computing course and it sounded like more of what I learned in Micro-computer, except in the Internet "Cloud."  It is like being at work in a business office without having to be there. Some one can collaborate with a business project, share files, documents, advertising, presentations, you name it and can get instant feedback from someone on another computer in another room, office or even State instantly.  
    I haven't found any disadvantages yet, because I am new to all of this, but I think it will be a great asset to getting employed in the job market these days.
    Wish me luck in my new found education endeavors.!!!